Monday 26 March 2012

It's been a week since the Stitch and Craft show ended and I've been meaning to post since then, but haven't had a chance. Mainly this is because I was so delighted at the positive response to my book - A Handknit Romance - that I realised I must get it onto the website and for sale as soon as possible! This has taken a while as I'm just learning how to work the website and I needed help from a very clever friend - thanks Nuria - but it's now done.

Here is a picture of me extolling the benefits of knitting with fine yarn (and wearing the Lace Blouse and Cotton Skirt from the book) to a very nice- and obviously mesmerised - customer!

I did manage to finish a couple of beaded bags, but although I was pleased with the colours, I think the designs need refining before I sell the kits from this website. Hopefully in the next 2 or 3 weeks.
Here they are modelled on a faithful friend (also wearing the Lace-edged Camisole and the Lace Shrug from the book) who has been with me since the days when I had a shop (see my first blog post) and was brought out of retirement to model at the Stitch and Craft show. Sadly over the years she has lost her looks - but not her figure!

For more images from the show, including photos of my fellow stand sharers, Sarah Hatton and Martin Storey, see here.

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